domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Home made yogurt, bread, and quince preserves (Our self sufficient breakfast)

This is my self sufficient breakfast. I don´t know what John Seymour would have called it, probably he would argue that I did not milk the cow myself, and did not harvest the wheat... but it is as close as I can get :)

In fact I did pick the quinces off a nearby tree myself, and cooked the preserve. And I did make the sour dough bread, I will post a recipe on it as soon as I have tested out a few ideas I have on tweaking the original recipe.

And we make our own yoghurt at home! Its very easy, provided you have what is called ¨pajaritos¨ in Spanish and to be honest I don't know how it is called in English.
Thankfully Marina  one day arrived to visit accompanied by these beings in a small jar.
They look like miniature soft popcorn, and they somehow  contain the bacteria cultures who will work for you and make the yoghurt :) You just put them with some good milk in a bowl for a day, then drain it to separate the little birds (pajaritos) and what remains is delicious yoghurt! It tastes like the expensive organic plain yoghurt I used to buy :)

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